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Experienced Tumbling Coach


Part Time Hours with Full Time Perks

Paid Training

Paid Certifications and Educational Seminars

Unlimited Days Off
Flexible Work Schedule (Great for College Students)
Friendly and Fun Place to Work!

Matching Retirement Plan


Paragon’s tumbling classes are designed to give each student the knowledge of safe and proper tumbling techniques. Areas of concentration are conditioning, strengthening, tumbling and jumps.  Skill builder equipment, plus the Tumbl Trak®, Trampoline, Spring Floor, Mini and Double Mini Trampolines, accelerate the learning process to shorten the time it takes to gain tumbling skills.  Classes are structured to meet each student’s individual tumbling need.  Emphasis is placed on how to properly execute, connect and safely land skills.  Classes also incorporate safety, building self confidence, practicing sportsmanship, and self-achievement.


At Paragon. there are 2 types of Tumbling classes: Tumbling for Cheer and Tumbling for Dance.  Tumbling for CHEER focuses on cartwheels, round-offs, back handsprings, connecting skills such as round-off backhandsprings, and different cheer jumps such as toe-touches and herkies.  Tubling for DANCE focuses on front and back walkovers, aerials, and round-off backhandsprings.


Additional hours available including, but not limited to, clerical work, birthday parties, private instruction, running errands, etc.   Opportunities for advancement are also available.


4-Year USAG Safety Certification is paid in full by Paragon.


Full Time
Paid Holidays
Paid Vacation
Paid Sick Days

Unlimited Days Off

Paid Certifications and Educational Seminars


Click Here to apply


Experienced Gymnastics Class Instructor


Part Time Hours with Full Time Perks

Paid Training

Paid Certifications and Educational Seminars

Unlimited Days Off
Flexible Work Schedule (Great for College Students)
Friendly and Fun Place to Work!

Matching Retirement Plan


Paragon's instructional classes student to teacher ratio is 6:1(preschool) and 8:1(Kindergarten and older).  Classes are available primarily 3:30 - 7:00PM and Saturdays 9:30AM - 12:30PM.  Parent Tot Classes offered between 10:30AM - 2:45PM weekdays only.


Additional hours available including, but not limited to, clerical work, birthday parties, private instruction, running errands, etc.   Opportunities for advancement are also available.


4-Year USAG Safety Certification is paid in full by Paragon.


Full Time
Paid Holidays
Paid Vacation
Paid Sick Days

Unlimited Days Off

Paid Certifications and Educational Seminars


Click Here to apply

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